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Guest Post: Love for reading- Chrissy’s Books

A Love For Reading - Chrissy

Hello dear readers! I know it has been a short time since I have been with you. Life has been HECTIC! But it is amazing at the same time. I have found an amazing blogging community, and we are working together to bring more posts your way, as well as share a love of reading with each other. As most of us are book bloggers, we tend to find mountains of books that we have in common, and our love of reading has formed bonds of friendships from all over the world. I feel empowered when I work with these bloggers!

Today, I am bringing you a guest blog from Chrissy, who I have been getting to know over the past few months. To say her blog is amazing is an understatement! If you have not found her online yet, go and check her out! You will not be sorry!

Guest Post By Chrissy

Let me start off by saying that reading is life! I heart books. Any bookworm can relate.

I wasn’t always a bookworm actually, I read here and there while growing up but I was way more interested in the outside world, like playing and hanging with friends, fashion, etc. I had a pretty great social life. Although, I did read the odd book here and there in my late teens and early twenties nothing that gripped me into the book lover that I am today.

I had been living in London for many years, I’m not sure if any of you have ever lived in a big city but it’s pretty amazing. There is so much to do, so much to see, too much actually! Culture everywhere, non-stop activities, great work and social life, the list goes on and on and on. The downfall for living in such a crazy big city is that it can get so very tiring!! Life is literally non-stop. I started to not be able to switch off from my crazy day. Travelling all over the tube, work, people, congestion, socialising etc. It all became too much, and that is when I began to think, what could I do to wind down from a crazy day! So I started practicing yoga, which I found super helpful and realised I have a new found love for yoga. Finally, I got what the big hype was all about. As great as yoga was, I still felt like I needed a bedtime winding down activity that did not include scrolling through social media on my phone. So I picked up a book. That’s basically how my love for books began to grow. I started reading every night for an hour before bed and I swear it made me sleep so much better and also awoke my love for reading! Soon I was reading a book a week just by reading before bedtime. That’s how it all began. It literary became an addiction! Haha, a pretty great one though.

Reading for me became my ‘me time’ away from all the noise and craziness of living in a busy metropolitan city. The fact that I could escape into an amazing world in my books was priceless. From then on, I was hooked! I started reading various genres, borrowing books from friends, seeing what the latest releases were, and it totally opened my eyes to this whole literary world that I was missing out on. Books are cool.

That is how my love for books became to be. From switching off from a long day to having my own awesome book blog, instagram, twitter, and pinterest! Funny how things can lead from one thing to another…and now, meeting these amazing fellow bloggers! It’s pretty ace! I now have this amazing community of fellow book lovers through my website and social media sites. It’s so cool to get into and it’s definitely become one of my main hobbies. I highly doubt that my love for reading will be going away anytime soon.

Like I said in the beginning, Books are Life!

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